Calculate what a percentage of any given number is.
Our Percentage Calculator covers a wide range of calculations, including:
Percentage of a Number: Calculate what a percentage of any given number is.
Percentage Increase: Calculate the percentage increase between two numbers.
Percentage Decrease: Calculate the percentage decrease between two numbers.
Finding the Total: Determine the whole number when given a part and its percentage.
Choose Your Calculation Type: Select the type of percentage calculation you need, such as finding a percentage, calculating percentage increase or decrease, or determining percentage change.
Input Your Values: Enter the numbers needed for your calculation.
Click Calculate: Get instant results displayed below the calculator.
Fast and Accurate: Get precise results instantly without the need for manual calculations.
Versatile Tool: Supports a wide range of percentage calculations for everyday needs.
Easy-to-Use Interface: Clean, user-friendly design for quick and hassle-free calculations.
Perfect for Everyone: Ideal for students, professionals, shoppers, and anyone needing percentage calculations on the fly.
Find a Percentage of a Number: What is 15% of 300? Enter 15 and 300, and our calculator will instantly display 45 as the result.
Calculate Percentage Increase: The price of an item rises from $100 to $120. Enter 100 and 120, and you'll see a 20% increase.
Calculate Percentage Decrease: If a price drops from $500 to $400, the calculator will show a 20% decrease.
Q: Can I use this calculator for discounts or sales?
A: Yes! Our Percentage Calculator is perfect for calculating discounts, price reductions, and sales tax.
Q: Is this tool free to use?
A: Absolutely! Our calculator is completely free, with no limitations.
Q: Can I access this tool on mobile devices?
A: Yes! Our calculator is fully optimized for mobile and tablet devices, making it easy to calculate percentages on the go.